Latest Stocks

December 22, 2008 at 1:35 pm 4 comments

Here I will be posting the stocks which r not in the favourite list but they r on my radar and which looks good at particular levels..I will posting all these details on this page..

So keep visiting

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

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4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Dhaval Parikh  |  December 27, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    One of my pick is EMPEE DISTILLERIES which can do gr8 going forward..infact the stock can double from currnent levels..This is wat i feel..and my research is backed by some other analyst..the reports can be downloaded from the shared report site..So watch out for this stock for medium term..

  • 2. Dhaval Parikh  |  December 31, 2007 at 9:50 am

    look @ empee its up 15% to 364 where i will ask ppl to book short term profits…and buy later..

  • 3. Dhaval Parikh  |  January 6, 2008 at 6:45 am

    My Picks for 2008

    1) L&T
    2) Punj lloyd
    3) Reliance Inds
    4) Gmr Infra
    5) NTPC
    6) CESC
    7) GDL
    8) Infosys
    9) Godrej Inds
    10)Shiv Vani oil

    this is a combination of midcaps and largecaps..And i wouldnt hesitate to put equal amount in all the 10 can expect minimum 50% returns frm these stocks in this yr if traded @ proper levels..

  • 4. Dhaval Parikh  |  January 29, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    This is the new thing which i m starting from now onwards..My views on market

    First of all for this yr i feel that market would remain like this atleast for 4-6 months now..

    Apart frmo that i feel that market is going to look @ past underperformers such as fmcg and pharma which r better picks

    some of my picks from these sectors r cipla,ITC ,marico which could do well..

    Apart from this I also like Offshore and drilling business especially oil exploring companies

    some thing like shiv vani oil , garware offshore..which could outperform over a period of time

    so wait and watch these stocks


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